Welcome to Region 14. We serve over forty school districts in West Texas.
Our mission is to support the educational community through quality services that assure excellence, equity, and efficiency.
Science of Reading
Research Guides on RLA
Effective RLA Instruction
Tools for Writing
Tools for Phonics and Spelling K-5
Tools for Fluency & Vocabulary K-12
Digital Textbook Reading Language Arts 6-12
Digital Textbook: Integrating Reading and Social Studies
Dyslexia Basics
Reading/Dyslexia Interventionist
Dyslexia (K-12) Digital Textbook
Digital Textbook for Disciplinary Literacy in
Reading & Social Studies K-12
No need to look elsewhere.
Go to Region 14
Social Studies
Consulant Myra Rains website!
Why Disciplinary Literacy?
How to Bring in a Primary Source for Every Text You Teach
Think Thematically.
Link all texts to Big Ideas in History:
Declaration of Independence
Bill of Rights
Essential Resources: Library of Congress, DocTeach, and Interactive Constitution